Free consultation for Business set up,Visa and Naturalization application
For confirming your success rate.
The first time phone call and e-mail consultation is free.
Sir/Mom, what is the matter with you and circumstances?
And what would you like me to do? please go ahead.
Email : info★
("Please replace '★' with '@' and send.")
or via this mail form or
What is the method of Free Consultation?
- The First email or mail form consultation.
- Phone call Cosultationis.
※It's better send me the details by email about regarding of your matter, problem, happen or something causing worry, and your present situation from when you land in Japan first time. And if you have thinking of circumstances, justifiable reason or unavoidable reason, please explain me about that. And then your purpose or your goal, and the city where you are living in Japan, citizenship, age, gender, job and all for confirming the success rate.
※Online consultations or interview consultations are paid consultation.
If you would like to need the Online or interview consultations, please make a reservation.
Would you please let me know which day and time is most convenient for you?
Online consultation (face book message video, Instagram, Skype, zoom) is available.
The cost is 11,000 yen. It is around 1 hour ~1.5 hour.
I will send you official estimate form of 11,000 yen by attached email to paid consultation after I could confirm your ID verification and resume, circumstances etc.
After confirming your payment, we have booked your reservation.

We are so sorry about that in the following cases, we may not reply to you. (In case of that your legal problem is other than the legal services we have providing. )
※ The following things are not provided.
Introducing a guarantor .
Finding out a company or an employer who would like to hire.
Giving something job.
Sending an invitation letter.
Introducing a person who could be spouse.
Violation of Public Order and Morality.
Consultations based on assumptions, not facts.
Duplicate questions with the ones already described on this site.
//// About apply the Application for Recognition of Refugee Status/ Complementary Protection ///
The first time phone call and e-mail consultation is free.
If you are during examination of the refugee application, objection or the designated activities extension, it's better email me about your avoidable reason etc, I would like to know your justifiable reason details by email firstly.
If possible, would you please attach articles and photos of evidence to your email?
If there is no evidence, we may not be able to help you.
Thank you for your consideration.