「Negotiable to suitable fee for Client」
※There is a case that is required additional actual expenses.( Transportation cost, postage cost, daily allowance etc.)
We can apply for your application on your behalf 24 hours a day by the Immigration Online system.
If you are in a hurry, such as forgetting your period of stay, please explain the circumstances and contact us at least 3 days before your period of residence.
However, we can’t apply it by the online system on the date of your expiration date or if you have already passed your date of expiration, in live birth case that you have passed 30 days from your child's birthday, or SOFA holder case that you have passed 30 days from your date of retire.
(In such case, because the Immigration Online system is not available from the date of expiration, so it is necessary to prepare immediately and appear at the Immigration Bureau to apply the application for your purpose.)
It is not available for "Diplomat", "Temporary visitor", or "Permanent residence" by online system.
The following fee is a guideline for estimates. And they are indicated from the minimum fee. We will always issue an official estimate before signing a contract.
(The fee amount below includes tax.)
(There are cases that regardless of the following fee, the Payment methods etc. are negotiable with the client. And if there are many applicants applying at once, then it is also negotiable with the client to suitable fee.)
〇Corresponding to the notification from Immigration Office.
(※If you have applied the application by yourself.)
(Answer to SHIRYO TEISYUTU TSUCHI from Immigration Inspection Department)
from 33,000 yen ~
estimate is from 35,000 yen~
(※if your activities situation has changed since the previous application・・・estimate is from 65,000 yen~)
(※If applying for extension permission of business manager・・・
estimate is from 65,000 yen~)
〇Change of Status of Residence
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
〇Certificate of Eligibility
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
〇Highly Skilled Foreign Professional
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
〇Permanent Residence
(From Spouse or child of Japanese National.)
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
( From another residence status.)
estimate is from 110,000 yen~
(By Highly Skilled Professional Point System.)
estimate is from 110,000 yen~
(By J-skip)
estimate is from 110,000 yen~
〇Permission to acquire status of residence
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
estimate is from 55,000 yen per 1 applicant.
~(If applicants are more than 30 person at same time.)
other case ,estimate is from 110,000 yen~
〇 Business Manager (Included all procedures,without registration and tax procedures)
estimate is from 220,000 yen~
〇SOFA holder procedures, etc.
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
〇Diplomat or Official holder procedures, etc.
estimate is from 88,000 yen~
〇Certificate of Authorized Employment
estimate is from 33,000 yen~
〇Temporary visitor ( To make application forms to Embassy.)
estimate is from 33,000 yen~
estimate is from 170,000 yen~
〇Special Permission
estimate is from 330,000 yen~
〇Provisional Release
estimate is from 110,000 yen~
〇Statement of reasons(Justification for application)
estimate is from 33,000 yen~
〇Re-entry Permission
estimate is from 25,000 yen~
〇Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted
estimate is from 33,000 yen~
〇Recoginition for refugee status, Objection
estimate is from 200,000 yen~
Actual expenses and permission stamp cost
Extension or Change of Status
4,000 yen.
8,000 yen.
Acquire status of residence
0 yen.
Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted
0 yen.
Re-entry single
3,000 yen
Re-entry Multiple
6,000 yen
Transportation cost , Postal cost
According to the case
Fee: for Legal Services
Making a will
50,000 yen~
Agreement on Division of Inheritance
50,000 yen~
Set up a Company or Branch
50,000 yen~
Waste industry license
~150,000 yen
Set up a nonprofit organization (NPO)
180,000 yen ~
Used goods merchant license(KOBUTSU)
50,000 yen ~
Legal notification (Civil and Criminal case)
30,000 yen ~
Adult Entertainment Businesses
100,000 yen ~
Business Planning
50,000 yen ~
Financing application to the Japan Finance Corporation
50,000 yen ~
Copyright registration
25,000 yen ~
Acceptable use policy
350,000 yen ~
Various Contract paper(Talent,Singer,Dancer・Construction work, etc.)
50,000 yen ~
7,000yen ~a month