Loss of Japanese nationality.

Shinichi Narita Visa & Naturalization Legal Office

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Loss of Japanese nationality

Loss of Japanese nationality


It will be able to return to the home country of nationality.

(Loss of Nationality)

Japanese Natinality Law Article 11

(1) If a Japanese citizen acquires the nationality of a foreign country at his/her choice, he/she loses Japanese nationality.
(2) A Japanese citizen having the nationality of a foreign country loses Japanese nationality when he/she selects the nationality of that foreign country according to the laws and regulations thereof.

A person from abroad who has obtained Japanese nationality by this procedure of the naturalization once, but if he/she selects the nationality of other foreign country after that, he/she loses Japanese nationality. So it will be possible if the law and regulations of his/her home country will permit it, it will be able to return to the home country of nationality.
However if he/she intend to obtain Japanese nationality once more, will have to satisfy all the requirements and conditions of Article 5.
Because even so he/she was Japanese once, he/ she won't be applicable the relaxed requirements in Act 8 of the Nationality.


Article 8 

The Minister of Justice may permit naturalization of a foreign national who falls under one of the following items even if that person has not met the conditions listed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii) and item (iv):
(iii) A person having lost his/her Japanese nationality (excluding a person who lost his/her Japanese nationality after naturalization in Japan) having a domicile in Japan.